What about my Wheelchair?

There is a gently sloping ramp to the front door of the church and another giving access to the hall and side rooms. The toilet near the front door is wheelchair accessible. In the main body of the church all the chairs are movable so wheelchair users can sit where they want to. The ramps also ease access for pushairs and prams. The stairs to the top classroom are steep, winding and narrow. If anyone who wants to go to BLOGGS can't get up there we will move BLOGGS to downstairs.

What do those Badges & Symbols mean?
Can I Wear a T Shirt to services?
But I can't sing!
Do I need a Bible?
Do I have to give money?
How do you celebrate Communion and can I join in?
What about children and young people?
What time should I arrive?
Where should I sit?
Where are the toilets?
What about my Wheelchair?
Do you have a hearing loop?
My sight is not too good.
What about after the service?