Freqently asked questions

You may have lots of questions about us and what we do, why we do it, where and when it all happens. Most of the information can be found by clicking on one of the links above but if they are no help, email us and we will get back to you and answer your question to the best of our ability. A few questions appear below. Answers will appear here.

What do those Badges & Symbols mean?
Can I Wear a T Shirt to services?
But I can't sing!
Do I need a Bible?
Do I have to give money?
How do you celebrate Communion and can I join in?
What about children and young people?
What time should I arrive?
Where should I sit?
Where are the toilets?
What about my Wheelchair?
Do you have a hearing loop?
My sight is not too good.
What about after the service?