Sandown Baptist Church
Emergency Contact and Keeping in Touch
Data protection privacy notice – how we handle your information

Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Sandown Baptist Church are the Data Controller for the church and can be contacted via the church secretary by telephoning 01983 400154 or emailing

We collect information to enable the church to provide pastoral and other support and care for children and adults whilst they are with us and to enable us to contact a responsible person for children or a nominated contact for adults plus an alternative emergency contact should the need arise. Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information (that is, to store it and use it for the stated purposes)

(a) in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject (which is the legal term for the adult or child involved)
(b) where it is in the church’s legitimate interest, (such as church members lists) and
(c) in those cases where it is necessary, we have your consent.

The information will be kept on the form you fill in and a copy lodged with the church secretary. It will not be passed on or published to anyone else unless it is necessary. For example, where emergency medical advice or assistance is needed and none of the named contacts are present or able to give the information. The forms will be kept in secure storage. Only the leaders of the activity plus the data controller will have access to the information and then only when necessary.

There are some processes, such as publication or compiling contact lists to keep in touch with you that we can only do so with your consent. If, and only if, you have expressly consented to your contact details being published, we may print your name address and other contact details in a church directory for use by church members and friends only. With similar, and separate, consent we may include you in an email, text or social media messaging list. These lists may be used by the leaders to circulate details of the meetings programme and any cancellations or changes. The forms which we use to collect information have a place where you can indicate your consent. If you do not mark the form then you will not be included in these lists. Where personal data is processed electronically (in computers and phones) it will be password protected and accessed only by the Minister, Church Secretary and activity leaders or other people authorized by them for appropriate purposes (for instance, to prepare and print a church directory). Your family's details will be removed and either destroyed or returned to you once you are no longer involved with the church or, in the case that they are stored and processed with your consent, if that consent is withdrawn.

You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you or your child by submitting a 'Subject Access Request' to the Church Secretary. (No charge is made for this.) You can also ask for information which is incorrect to be put right. If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Controller. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

From time to time photographs are taken of adults and children involved in church activities. These will not be used or published without your permission. However if there is a reason why no photographs should be taken of you or your child, please inform us via the trustees or the activity leader separately and in confidence. Your wishes will be respected. Any photographs or images of identifiable people will be covered by the same security arrangements as above.